“We don’t have a pain problem, we have a meaning problem.”
These words so perfectly summarize what For A Purpose is about that I know with complete certainty that Dr. Jeff Myers will bless those who see this film.
Dr. Myers is the president of Summit Ministries. He has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development—the work that Summit Ministries does day in and day out. One of the biggest reasons for youth walking away from their faith is related to the topic of pain and suffering.
He is the author of 17 books and is a renowned worldview and apologetics expert, but his understanding of pain and suffering comes not only from research and biblical study, but from personal experience. Through his own cancer journey and the life-threatening health issues his wife has faced, he has walked through valleys and has a deep, well-rounded perspective on how God uses such trials.
During our time together, he captured my attention with wise words including:
"Only resistance builds resilience."
"Suffering is when we're so borne down by the pain that we can no longer see what it means."
Check out this special preview of our interview. I know you will be blessed.
So many things that he shared are going to add wisdom, depth, purpose to this film.